Cesarean sections (C-sections) are a common surgical procedure performed daily in today’s modern hospitals. They are used in instances when a vaginal birth may be too dangerous for the infant or the mother. Like any major surgery, a c-section is not without its potential complications or mistakes. When your OB/GYN makes an error during your surgery, you may have a valid medical malpractice case.
Potential Risks
C-sections are risky surgeries, even in the best of situations. Like any other major surgery, you may bleed heavily or you could experience damage to your internal organs. You may also contract an infection. These complications can be the same for the unborn child. These things can occur through no fault of the surgeon or they can occur because of the surgeon.
C-Sections and Medical Malpractice
When it comes to c-sections, there are two categories of malpractice: improperly performing the surgery and failure to perform the surgery.
A c-section is indicated in specific circumstances. When your doctor fails to recognize that this surgery is indicated, you have experienced a failure to perform the surgery. The resulting injury or illness to yourself or your child gives you grounds for a medical malpractice suit.
In other cases, your OB/GYN makes a mistake during the surgery. Common errors in c-sections include lacerated internal organs, oxygen deprivation, and broken bones inflicted upon the child. Your doctor may not close your incision in a timely or proper manner, resulting in infection or sepsis. These types of things do not happen during routine surgeries and are typically indicative of some type of error or neglect.
In the United States, c-sections make up about 20 percent of all births. In most cases, the child is born healthy and well, the mother heals, and the family goes about their lives. In the worst cases, the mother and child are injured to the point of death. Understanding your rights after a surgical mistake is important.
If you or your child were injured or fell ill after a cesarean section, call Christmas Injury Lawyers today. We will fight for your rights and the rights of your child in a court of law, earning you the compensation you are entitled to so you can put your life back together. Call now for a free case evaluation.