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Medical Malpractice

Ten Medical Malpractice Myths

When it comes to medical malpractice, there are facts and myths that people buy into wholeheartedly. Whether someone told you a horror story about their own experience or you have read an article online detailing a medical error, you may have certain ideas and opinions when it comes to the topic of medical malpractice.

Before you form a solid opinion, here are 10 myths that may surprise you:

  1. Most Lawsuits are Frivolous

While it is true that some people will sue anyone, the majority of malpractice suits are based in fact. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that of the cases filed, 97% had merit.

  1. Ambulance Chasers are Behind Most Lawsuits

Medical malpractice attorneys only take on about 20% of the cases they are presented with. In a second study, it was found that only about 3% of cases were taken all the way to court.

  1. Malpractice Lawsuits Outweigh Occurrences

Not true. It has been found that only about one in eight people injured by negligence file a claim. Medical malpractice lawsuits represent only about 3% of cases filed in court.

  1. Most Cases are Filed Over Minor Injuries

Another study conducted by Harvard found that about 80% of the cases filed involve death or serious injury.

  1. Medical Malpractice Cannot be Prevented

Almost 100,000 people die each year due to error or negligence. These cases are entirely preventable. One of the easiest causes to point to is wrong-site surgery.

  1. Money is the Motivator Behind Claims

Malpractice lawsuits do not typically pay out as much as you may think. The main motivator for people who have filed lawsuits? Discovery of exactly what went wrong in their case.

  1. Only Poor People Sue

Again…not true. Those without insurance or with very poor insurance are less likely to file a medical malpractice suit.

  1. Juries Award Astronomical Payouts

The fact is that less than 1% of the cases filed result in awards in excess of $1 million. The average award for a malpractice claim hovers around $400,000. Many receive far less.

  1. Malpractice Claims Force Doctors to Stop Practicing

Not the case. The number of physicians in the United States is actually on the rise. It is not difficult to find a doctor practicing who has faced at least one malpractice claim.

  1. Malpractice Claims Cause Doctors to Charge More

The cost you pay your doctor is based almost solely on insurance trends. Malpractice lawsuits have very little, if any, effect on what your doctor’s office charges.

If you have been the victim of medical malpractice, you need an attorney on your side. Call our offices today and let us review your case. If warranted, we will fight for your rights in court to get you the compensation you deserve. Call now.

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